The Tenor of Latin America
The Latin tenor
Eleazar Mora
New Album
Sadel, Una Orquesta y Una Voz.
Vol II
Esta obra maestra es una recreación de piezas del folklore tradicional Venezolano, interpretadas con instrumentos típicos como el Cuatro, el Arpa, y las Maracas, envueltas en la magia de una Orquesta Sinfónica
About Eleazar
Venezuelan Tenor Singer, who develops his artistic career in the United States, achieving the goals that he dreamed of for a long time and that he postponed, after several years dedicated to his businesses as a businessman
Eleazar has stood out in the music industry since 2014 in a rising career.
Sadel, An Orchestra and A Voice Vol. 2.
Our streaming
Featured Discography
Sadel una orquesta una voz volumen II - Próximamente
Honor to this prodigious Spanish singer of romantic music.
Javier Solis, An Orchestra and a voice. Vol II Year 2022
Mexican vihuela honor, VOL II. Javier Solis, una orquesta, una voz
Javier Solis, An Orchestra and a voice Year 2021
Producer: Pedro Mauricio Gonzalez, Masterized Keith Morrison, and Andres Mayo
Nino Bravo, an orchestra and a voice Year 2020
Honor to this prodigious Spanish singer of romantic music.
Simón one orchestra one voice Year 2018
Honor to the biggest Venezuelan singer and Latin American more versions songs author.